
Focus on Microscopy 2018

FOM 2018Focus on Microscopy 2018 is the continuation of a yearly conference series presenting the latest innovations in optical microscopy and their application in biology, medicine and the material sciences. Key subjects for the conference series are the theory and practice of 3D optical imaging, related 3D image processing, and reporting especially on developments in resolution and imaging modalities. The conference series covers also the rapidly advancing fluorescence labeling techniques for confocal and multi-photon 3D imaging of -live- biological specimens.

Our experts will also be hosting a number of technical talks and hands-on demonstrations on all products in room: OPAL 105 throughout the conference. Visit our booth to find out more information on these, and to book a demo slot. If you would like to speak to an Andor representative in regards to this event or any of Andor’s products please follow this link

View images from last years event



Booth Number:

31 & 33


Andor, Imaris

Technical Talk and Demos

OPAL 106

Introduction to Imaris

Dragonfly, SRRF & Imaris

Hands-on demonstrations available on request.

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